Case Study: Do the Wave

  • Feb 18, 2022

Wave Schedule

Market: School

Objective: A school’s athletic program was struggling to pay for recurring expenses. Game attendance had dropped over the previous year, and alumni attendance was weak. The school wanted to increase game attendance to boost ticket revenue, concession stand sales, and encourage alumni donations.

Product: Custom Wave Calendar

Personalization: The calendar featured highlighted home and away games printed on pop-out waves. The men’s schedule was printed on one side of the calendar and the women’s schedule was printed on the other. The full schedule, including opponents and locations, was printed behind the pop-out waves.

Method of Distribution: Every athlete was given one to take home to parents. Calendars were available at the ticket table and concession stand at every game. Calendars were also mailed out to the team captains, thanking them for past support and encouraging them to attend some games. There were calendars placed on tables in the cafeteria and library to inspire school pride.

Marketing Outcome: Game attendance went up for both the men’s and women’s teams. More students and alumni were present. Due to increased attendance, the program could make necessary investments, like better training equipment and new uniforms.

Source: Warwick Publishing

  • Category: Case Studies
  • Tags: Case Study, Promotional Products, Wave Schedule, Warwick Publishing